Here we go again…University of Leeds is RAMming through redundancies In the middle of the Covid-19 global crisis, University of Leeds management has taken the strategic decision to make ‘voluntary’ redundancies in departments working to tackle the Covid pandemic: the school of medicine (SoM) and the faculty of biological sciences (FBS). In its 2018/2019 accounts…
Stop job cuts at Macclesfield College
We’re campaigning against redundancies at Macclesfield College – redundancies that came without notice, or proper consultation. Macclesfield College UCU has found support with local councillors and has written to local MPs to fight back against dreadful management decisions that abandon UCU members to redundancy in the run-up to Christmas. Please take 2 minutes to sign…
Stop job cuts at Blackburn College
Ask the Blackburn College board of governors to reconsider the current plan to put 29 members of staff at risk of redundancy, and cut yet more jobs.
Save science at Portsmouth
Reinstate David Muritu
Dave has now reached a settlement with Sandwell College. Thank you to everyone who offered their vocal support to Dave and trade unionists everywhere.
Protected: End casualisation at the University of Durham
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University of York staff and the gender pay gap
Last November the University of York UCU branch submitted to the university management a detailed claim regarding the ending of the gender pay gap at York (which was 19.3% in 2017 – worse than the average in UK universities). It proposed a partnership between unions and management to tackle this serious injustice, and seeks to…